The European Network for Sustainable Quarrying and Mining (ENSQM) is a raw material commitment linked with the Strategic Implementation Action Plan of the European Innovation Partnership–(EIP) on Raw Materials, under the non-technological pillar: “Improving Europe's raw materials framework conditions, and public awareness”. It is launched for the period 2017-2020. Five European and two national mineral raw materials associations, as well as two national authorities launched this joint initiative to creating a platform facilitating stakeholder dialogue at national level and with the EU and promoting a culture of sustainable mining and quarrying. The mineral sectors involved so far are gypsum (Eurogypsum), aggregates (UEPG), cement (CEMBUREAU), salt (EUSalt) and industrial minerals (IMA-Europe), as well as the Spanish non-energy extractive industry association (COMINROC) and the German BV Steine und Erden. The national authorities supporting this initiative are the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) in Spain and the Department for Energy and Geology in Portugal. With their holistic and inclusive approach on sustainable mining and quarrying – addressing and taking into account economic, social and environmental values, the partners seek to facilitate a culture of cooperation and synergy among all key stakeholders, and as such contribute to objectives of the raw materials initiative. More information can be found here. In 2017, two main activities are planned to foster constructive dialogue at national and EU level for enhancing access to resources for growth and jobs in the European Union:
Contact: Jessica Johnson, CEMBUREAU
April 2019
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